Friday, March 10, 2017

Day 1: First Step is Courage

After many years of prodding, I have finally faced the cyber challenge of blogging!  I know this is piece of cake for you guys; but I had to muster up enough courage to fight my insecurities & lack of confidence.  Thank God for grown up children who guided me (well I strategized & creeped into their schedules) in this exciting  world!   You will get to know them as we build this blogging (not blaughing) relationship.   I reached midlife with many life stories which gave me morsels of lessons worth sharing.   I'd love to know your stories too.  After all, everyone goes through midlife.

 What is midlife anyway?  For a housewife like me, it meant another  crossroad in life.  I remember the first time my son and daughter left for college. My hubby was also in Manila.  My 2 other children and I stayed in the island but they were in school everyday.   I vividly remember the loneliness and feeling lost.  What next?  My life evolved in nurturing this family and one day I find myself alone.  They all have grown up, have their schedules and I had nothing else to do! Crossroad!  What to do?
    Since I am a person of prayer and reflection, I gathered my wits & did a personal inventory of what I can and cannot do.  It brought me back to my other passion: teaching.   As I went back to my private tutoring,  I felt so blessed because I had more children under my wing.
    Life is really what we make it!  You gotta find yourself.   When I thought I have, I keep coming to crossroads!  Ah, what is this midlife?  Finding oneself is harder than I thought!

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